Coconino Amateur Radio club training set for 2018

FLAGSTAFF – The Coconino Amateur Radio Club has set an ambitious schedule for license classes for 2018. They added classes for the General Class amateur radio license, this year. There are eight sessions for each class to be held on Saturdays from 9 a.m. until noon. The classes could not happen without the help of the Northland Healthcare Clinic in Flagstaff.

The classes for the General license are broken in the middle with the annual Amateur Radio Relay League® Field Day. This will give students a chance to operate equipment and ask question about digital modes and so-on. This will help students on the exam.

The Saturday following the last class of each session is the normal Coconino Amateur Radio Exam.

The class schedules are as follows:

The Coconino Amateur radio club will hold two series of classes for the Amateur Radio Technician License. There are eight classes for each series to be held on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon at the Northland Healthcare Clinic, 2920 N 4th Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004. The Coconino Amateur Radio Club will host exams the Saturday following each class at the same location. Email preregistration is desired.
The first series is Saturdays from February 24 to April 14.
The second series is Saturdays from August 25 to October 13.

The Coconino Amateur radio club will hold classes for the Amateur Radio General License. There are eight classes for each series to be held on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon at the Northland Healthcare Clinic, 2920 N 4th Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86004. The Coconino Amateur Radio Club will host an exam the Saturday following the last class at the same location. Email preregistration is desired. The classes will be held Saturdays on May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 16, 30, July 7, 14. The ARRL Field Day is June 23, 24 and no classes will be held that weekend. Students are invited to attend the CARC Field Day to get some experience in operating equipment which should help them on the exam.

Please note this is eight classes held on Saturdays. The regular CARC exam is the Saturday following the last class. Email pre-registration is desired. We recommend you purchase the ARRL Ham Radio License manual. If you can afford the spiral bound edition, it is easier to handle.

For more information people can email Glen KG7YDJ at